Kismet or What?

Daily writing prompt
Do you believe in fate/destiny?

Today I came across a writing prompt that asked, “Do you believe in fate / destiny?”

I don’t know how I couldn’t!

Sometimes I feel like a character in this book of life that someone is writing around me. Things happen in my life and I just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Sometimes they are good things…sometimes not so great.

Let’s look at my Ranger.

I met my Ranger on the first weekend of an internship, in a state 3,000 miles from home, where I was the only intern in the program who had a sponsor who was allowing me to live rent fee (room, board, and transportation to and from work), doing something I wasn’t told was part of my job until I got there, while he was doing tours of a cemetery.

To break this down a smidge:

  • I had recently broken up with my college boyfriend. You know, the one you are sure you’re going to marry until you are sure you aren’t.
  • I saw a flyer for an internship 3,000 miles away on the other side of the country. I applied. And, when I took someone back to show them the flyer, it had disappeared from the history department the day after I applied.
  • I was going to make $300 a month and couldn’t afford to live there so I was going to need some help – here was help.
  • I wasn’t going to have a car with me and was going to need help getting to and from work.
  • I was hired the last day of interviews for the program.
  • My parents paid for the plane ticket on the condition that I didn’t fall in love, get married, and move away. (oops).

We had a mostly long distance relationship, and have been married since Jesus left Beaverdale (to quote Rose). We have moved a couple times, with each move cementing my belief in fate / destiny.

So, do I believe in destiny.

Yes. Yes I do.

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