I’m Alive and I Have Goals

So, raise your hand if you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth?

Well, I didn’t.

The earth is round, silly!

I just got caught up in life.

Life that revolves around my family, my work, and a different blog.

No, I’m not cheating on you guys!


I’m publishing another blog just for the students and faculty in my departments at work. 

It’s a work thing.

I’ve composed some really great blog posts for you all in my head.

Usually while I’m driving to and from work.

So before I go into my goals for the coming year…

…I thought I would revisit my hopes from last January

I did get to spend time with my Sissy at Disneyland. My cousin joined us. We had a ball!

And, I did manage to prove to my husband that I could live without the joys of WalMart.

Of this I am especially proud. 

It isn’t easy to be a non-WalMart shopper!

Especially when you live somewhere like the Middle-of-Nowhere, TN!

We don’t have a lot of options!

Did I manage to not go to WalMart all year? 


I think I counted a total of 3 visits, but they were all for or with other people.

The Ranger asked me to get him some new tires there in June (that was my first visit all year).

My Sissy had me stop there with her while we were in California.

Oh, I DID go in once of my own volition, but that was because I had ordered something online and ship to store was free. I didn’t stop and purchase anything else while I was in the store.

I have been there once or twice since I passed my year goal, but I tend to go there as a final resort. 

I’ve learned shopping without huge lines is rather relaxing.

Now on to my goals for this next year:

1. I would really like to go to PA for a visit.

We haven’t been “Up North” in several years, and, well, we miss our friends.

This is not to say that we don’t miss our WA friends, but I’m already planning a trip out there for Miss K’s graduation.

2. I would really like to have a visit with my Bubba…in person.

I miss him too.

Last year was a visit with Sissy, this year a visit with Bubba.

He’s planning to run at Disney World in Jan. 2015, so I think that I will make at least planning a visit with him a goal.

3. I would really like to have a healthy year, for me and my family.

It’s been a trying time health-wise for my family the last several years. I’m not going to go into details. They aren’t mine to share. Suffice it to say, we’ve earned some respite.

4. I would like to be an inspiration to my students, many of whom come from locations and backgrounds similar to me. I want them to see that your future is wide open and can be whatever you would like it to be! I would also like to not get giggle fits when they call me professor.

5. I would love, really LOVE to have my guest room filled with friends and family at least every other month.

It should be an interesting year!

I will let you know what happens!

In the meantime, I leave you with this…



Because, no matter what the year brings, it will bring these two and fun!

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