Me, Myself and I

My name is Becky, and I am an Accidental Southern Mama. I’m a wife, mother, “Queen of the Comma Splice” and librarian.

An older picture of me, someday I might get it updated.

I’m the Mama of two girls and I have been married to my husband, the Ranger, since 1998. I grew up in the foothills of the North Cascade Mountains in Washington State (shout out to the Mt. Baker area!) and after getting married moved to the Western Pennsylvania (shout out to the Portage area!). The family up and moved to Tennessee on short notice in the late summer / early fall 2010. We learned to be Southerners, y’all! (Shout out to the Paris area!) Currently we have taken up residence in the MidWest. Apparently Kansas City is our speed.

The Ranger and his girls a million years ago

First off, let’s straighten out the title, I’m not a Mama by accident, I’m a Mama by choice (I love being a Mama). When I started this blog, I was in the South…. kinda sorta on accident. It was kinda sorta planned and thought about (for about 3 minutes) when my husband called and said, “They offered me the position at _______. What do you think?” I knew there was a possibility we would be moving from Pennsylvania, but we had just about given up on the resumes that had been sent out and had planned to stay where we were.

I’m started out blogging about my life as a Mama from the hills of the Pacific Northwest who spent 12 years in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania, 7 years in Western Tennessee, and am now rocking the MidWest. I’m was blogging about my urchins – Big and Baby; about my idiot cat and dog; about being me and living my life. I’m also shared some book reviews (professional habit) and my lack of skills at being a Domestic Impersonator.

This blog is mostly for friends and family who now live very, VERY far away, but if you are interested in seeing what kind of trouble I can get myself into feel free to hang around.

These days, my blog is now 8 years old and with age come changes. You see, my kiddos are not thrilled with me publicizing their lives and, for the most part, have asked me to put a kabosh to it. They will also be Big and Baby to me, but at 16 and 20, they like their privacy. So, now, I am asking myself, what comes next for me in the blogging world?

You might want to hang around and find out.

5 thoughts on “Me, Myself and I

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  1. I know the trouble you can get into, ha we use to get into it together. The girls have gotten so tall, miss you all a bunch.

  2. You are quite the writer! I enjoyed reading your blog. You are too funny! I can’t wait to read more!

  3. I am a Tennessee girl, by birth, so I hope we haven’t scared you guys too much yet! Found your site through Seven Clown Circus, and it is fabulous! Keep writing, mama!

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